Friday, October 1, 2010

Continuing from July "The New Guy"

OK last time I left off with I had met with Hannibal and we spent the entire day together. We walked around Downtown, talked, ate and then we both caught the train and went home or rather he went home I went and crashed with a friend of mine. Well after that day he and I kept talking we'd talk on Facebook for hours, we'd talk on the phone constantly we were becoming friends. I know what you're thinking "I thought you guys were already friends" well as I had also said we used to work together and then I left Home Depot to focus on school so we didn't really speak to each other for about 6 years. It wasn't until the summer before I started school that we talked again and then met up with a friend of ours to catch up and then he and I went ice-skating together (where I didn't fall! Yay!). Then after that we didn't speak for about 6 months.

Then one day he texted me completely out of the blue and told me he and his girlfriend broke up, to make an extremely long story short we started talking everyday either on the phone or Facebook and at times we talked 3 or 4 times a day. At first I'll admit it got annoying to hear my phone ring and have it be him, but I guess the shrink mode in me couldn't help it and I'd pick up the phone and listen to him go on and on about his ex.Hannibal also told me it seemed as though a lot of his friends were getting tired of him rambling on and tormenting himself. After a few weeks he seemed to be doing better and then he developed a crush on another girl, and he told her and she not only rejected him but told him they could fool around instead because she was keeping herself available for her ex-loser boyfriend.

Well needless to say then came another set of weeks of him being upset all over again and who was there for him? That's, finally one day I got fed up and ranted and scolded him, (I was having a bad day and I was pretty irritated and I took it out on him) I believe my exact words to him "Oh my freaking god!! Really? Really Hannibal?! How much more of this s*@t are you going to take?! Lyme disease girl is a freaking loser and if she can't appreciate a smart and decent man that's right in front of her stupid eyes then she is F*#@ing moron!! She does not deserve a wonderful man such as yourself, and if she can't see what an amazing man she has in front of her well Hannibal, it's time for you to man up and start moving on to someone who will not only appreciate you but will love having you in her life!!" (Oh and in-case you were wondering why I called her Lyme disease girl its' because her ex-loser boyfriend had Lyme disease and she had to get tested for it. I don't remember if she had contracted it as well)

After a few seconds of silence and me realizing what I had just said I thought "Great! Here I am pissed off about something else and I'm taking out on him, wow I'll be a great therapist and he'll probably not want to talk to me again." I apologized and told him I had a bad day and I shouldn't have taken it out on him, at first he laughed and said it was fine and then said I was right. Then after that day I noticed he hadn't called me or anything so one day I picked up the phone and called him. He sounded as though he was doing great, I told him I guess I had gotten used to all the phone calls that I actually missed talking to him, so we started talking again everyday either on Facebook or on the phone.

Of course I didn't realize it at the time, a few of my friends pointed it out that I was crushing on him, well I didn't believe them at first and then I realized they were right. Well I was trying to figure out a way to tell him, all of my friends were like "just tell him, it's better to find out and stop tormenting yourself with not knowing" well I did tell him... but I didn't exactly tell him...ok truth be spoken I had gotten drunk and texted him how I felt. I know it was not the ideal way of telling him but when you drink you don't think. The next day I saw what I had sent him, not only did I tell him I liked him but I also mentioned Lyme disease girl and reminded him of how stupid she was, but I also told him I wasn't sure what I wanted so that was why I was going to crush the crush. (He had told Lyme disease girl that, but in the end it didn't work out that way)

So guess what happened? Well I tried calling him and waited for hours on Facebook for him to log on so we could talk about it, no luck at first then finally one day I caught him and we talked about it. I told him I meant everything I said (without thinking about the part of me crushing the crush) he said "don't worry about it, people get drunk and do stupid things all the time, no worries." Now before I get the finale I forgot to mention he had just gotten a job at G.E. and he said part of his training would be in Chicago and the rest in...Milwaukee, Wisconsin!! Well since I was going to be close by because of school we had made plans to hang out. Now the grand finale.

Well I'm sure you thought we probably got together right...wrong! Quite the contrary, Hannibal stopped speaking to me, he never called me or responded to any of my texts,e-mails, Facebook postings until a few weeks ago I was on the brink of sending him a carrier pigeon. I had posted a message on Facebook "I see you're still alive good to know" well that was back in August before I left for school, well the week I went back to Wisconsin we chatted online for a few minutes and he told me he had changed his number, he gave it to me very reluctantly. Well going back to the Facebook post his response to my posting was "Yep still alive sorry I didn't call you back." Needless to say I declared him dead after that, because I didn't like how he completely disappeared on me without an explanation.

Actually it wasn't his disappearance that upset me it was more disappointment that he would do that; after I had mentioned how an ex of mine did the same thing and I don't like when people do that. If you're not going to talk to me again well have the decency to tell me to my face and not leave me wondering what I did wrong. He no longer exists to me, I unfriended him on Facebook, erased his number and any other information I had on him. So there you go that's the rest of the story of Hannibal, sorry it took so long to get the rest of the story out but I got very busy after all of this happened. Ok I'm lying I was upset, I kept going over the entire incident over and over in my head trying to figure out where I went wrong but was not able to come up with anything so I threw myself into anything that would keep my mind off the subject. So there you go, so let's see what are my questions for all you... Well first your opinion (obviously) and have you ever done this to someone either declaring them dead or just disappearing on them and if so why?

{On a side note I started this post on October 1st it is now November 2nd and well it took so long to finish this one because I was still pretty upset for a while, so once again sorry it took so long to finish it up.}