Thursday, January 28, 2010

A blessing in disguise?

I am 25 years old and I have been working since I was 16, I'm in grad school and not only am I in school I am actually living on campus as well. I guess you could say I'm getting the actual college experience that I didn't get a chance to have as an undergrad. Now I quit my crappy little job, because I thought I had a job lined up here on campus in the end it was a bust. So now I have applying to every possible position available here at school, and just now as I sitting here and reading my email I remembered how a year ago I said "I wish I didn't have to work, I wish I could just go to grad school and just focus on school." Now the only reason I was working was to keep up with my bills, but here's the best part I'm getting a bit of money back from school and I did the math in my head and calculated everything from tuition loans that I am currently paying back to credit card payments as well, and if I did my math right and I like to think I did I might be able to make it for the next four months without working, now granted if I do get a job that would be great, but considering I really don't spend a whole lot of money here and we've just started tax season, which means a little extra cash as well and when I go home for spring break I'll be working at my crappy little job; plus I also have my parents and worse case scenario I ask them for cash every now and then but I don't think I'll necessarily need to do that, but that would mean I could actually make it this semester; I could just focus on school. As hard as this is to believe but I think not having a job might be a blessing in disguise. Of course I know I'll have to tighten my belt and watch my pennies which I know how to do very well, but maybe I should consider taking time off from working and just focus on school and take better care of myself and sort of be able to relax. So here's my question to y'all should I take consider my not working a blessing in disguise?

1 comment:

  1. My gut response is yes. Soak it up. You have a break with the whirl wind work life and all the drama that brings with it. And then I second guess myself and say no. I grew up with a dad that pushed me hard. Often times I have resented him for that, but lately, as I have grown up a bit, I sort of thank him for it. My mind is always racing. But you are working. Every day you get up and go to class, study, research, etc. That is just as much "work" as waking up and driving to job.
